Vital Alpha Testo People often ask me how to build big muscles and ask me to share the secrets of training my back. But I answer - there are no secrets. It’s hard to build shoulders, and easy to build your back. This does not mean that it is easy, on the contrary, pumping the back to the mass takes a lot of energy, but you don’t need to break your head over the development of the training complex. For the back to be wide, the main efforts must be put on the development of its latissimus dorsi. The larger they become, the wider will be the back itself. My back complex included only three exercises: pull-ups, rod pull to the belt and deadlift. Although I would still note one nuance - I performed the first two exercises with a back grip. In my opinion, this can not only inflate the back faster, but also give it the right triangular shape. But it is only worth remembering that the back grip, in addition to the back, still very heavily loads the biceps and wrists, so you need to use it very carefully in back exercises. Note: Dorian Yates was not only a real monster of the masses, but also the most injured Mr. Olympia. His last injury, the separation of the biceps, he received just during the execution of the rod pull to the belt with a reverse grip . So, his advice is worth considering. Conclusion: back grip in exercises on the back is more effective than direct, but also more dangerous Tom Platz. Nickname - Golden Eagle. How to build legs? Everyone shakes their legs, squatting with a barbell for 8-10 reps in the approach. At first, I did this, my legs grew, no words, but my buttocks grew even faster. This did not suit me, and I decided to change the rules of the game, reduced the weight on the bar and increased the number of reps in squats, first to 15, then to 20, and then completely stopped counting. Most surprisingly, the quadriceps began to grow at cosmic speed. Composing a program for training my legs, instead of planning, as before, 4 sets of 15 reps, I wrote: Squats - 4 sets of 40 seconds. In the end, I got to the point that I could squat with a barbell weighing 100 kg continuously for 10 minutes, and with a weight of 227.5 kg I did 23 squats in a row. The advice is this: if you want to pump up the big muscles of the legs, increase the number of reps in squats, the result will come immediately. Conclusion: if the legs grow poorly, they need to be rocked with a large (15-20) number of repetitions in the approach Conclusion Of course, without the unique natural data, these people would never have become real muscle monsters and would not have entered the elite of competitive bodybuilding. But, in my opinion, in addition to excellent genetics, they also have a solid character in their luggage, a sincere love for strength training and excellent brains.