As a general forum principle, we neither endorse nor critique specific norton activation choices.
That's because this forum is owned and operated by activate norton setup Corporation, and they work closely with other security software publishers.
It would, therefore, be "" and inappropriate to recommend one product over another.
norton (aka Defender in Win 8/8.1/10) has its fans and its detractors.
It's probably "as good as" any other free, antivirus.
Regarding the "Free" activate norton product key, you might find this post from an norton and security expert interesting or helpful. any other query so call on ?Call :1-888-550-7008 .
However, there is no one "best" download & setup norton to suit all computers, users, and budgets. If you search the norton antivirus here (and any of the reputable computer security forums), you'll find many, many fast working about this.The best security tool for your computer is the behind-the-keyboard device, that is you. I stopped using AV packages and start using norton com install decade ago, relying on common sense, and Microsoft' norton installation own tools, then installation norton and haven't had any troubles.thanks