The Bible says that whoever is born-again cannot sin. Yes I'm talking about sinless perfection. You need to know who you are in Christ Jesus. Jesus told the women who was caught in adultery to sin no more. He did not say do not commit adultery no more but He said to sin no more and this is Bible Salvation. God would not tell you to do something that you were not capable of doing. God gave you the Holy Spirit Who is sinless to make you sinless.
True believers in Christ Jesus are absolutely positively perfect! The blood of Jesus Christ makes you perfect when the Spirit of the Living God comes into your life. Do you think that God made His believers bi-polar or schizoid beings when they are born-again? Most Christians believe then should live like they have two personalities onitsuka tiger track trainer baratas , like worshiping God in church then going home and cursing your neighbor for walking on your grass.
The Bible says that as a man thinks so he is. If you think that you are a saint and a sinner at the same time then you will no doubt sin just as much as you do good. If you think like God thinks and know that you are perfect then you will live a perfect sinless life starting at the realization of this truth. In the gospels Jesus said that we as believers should BE perfect as the Father in heaven is perfect and this is salvation. There are many ignorant Christians saying that Jesus was not talking about sinless perfection here.
Study the Bible to show yourself approved. The keyword in this verse is the word "as" and this is how we can understand exactly what Jesus had in mind. How is the Father in Heaven? He is perfect in every way in character, works and completely without sin. This is how we are to be. Jesus said that we are to be perfect now not just when He comes back. Quit making excuses for your sinful behavior. Most of the problem is that Christians really want to sin and live the way they want. Repent of this sinful attitude!
Part of the problem is false teaching in the church. The church says that you have two natures after you are born-again and this is a lie from the pit of Hell. You receive the very nature of Christ when you are born-again and you old nature is crucified at the cross, which happened even before you were saved. Most Christians and Pastors do not understand the truth about the old and new nature. Your old nature is DEAD at the cross and can never be alive. Something that is dead can have no power over you so live in the new nature that you have received in Christ Jesus!
The Bible says that they who belong to Christ have crucified the flesh with its passion and desires. Your old nature died when you accepted Christ as your Savior. The death of your old nature as mentioned in scriptures is always talked about in the past tense.
Only perfect Christians will go to heaven because that is God's standard and nothing else will do. The Bible says that the blood of Christ makes us perfect so use your faith that God gave you and renew your mind believing that you are perfect and live like Christ. The devil wants Christians to believe that they are bi-polar so he can profane the holy and weaken the body of Christ making them ineffective in winning souls and bringing the Kingdom of God here on earth.
God is tired of looking at your miserable sinful self masquerading as a Christian making up reasons for your rebellious life. Get with the program and renew your thinking and live as the perfect being that you are or quit calling yourself a Christian! There are to many so-called Christians that are giving the real Christians a bad name. Be PERFECT just exactly like God is PERFECT! Free News Articles Home Business Free News Articles General Editorial Home and Garden Everything You Need to Know About Spotted Lanternfly Everything You Need to Know About Spotted Lanternfly HUNTINGDON VALLEY onitsuka tiger mexico mid runner baratas , Pa. -- Giroud Tree and Lawn explains what Spotted Lanternfly is, how they harm trees and properties, and how to get rid of them. Spotted Lanternfly have been seen all over Philadelphia onitsuka tiger tokuten baratas , Bucks and Montgomery Counties. The experts at Giroud Tree and Lawn have been working closely with the PA Department of Agriculture and Penn State to answer everything you need to know about Spotted Lanternfly. Plus, learn how to report Spotted Lanternfly sightings and the best methods for combatting the insect and treating trees.
What is Spotted Lanternfly?
Spotted Lanternfly are an invasive insect that is swarming the area in concerning numbers. First spotted in 2014, Penn State's Agriculture Extension has been monitoring Spotted Lanternfly and issuing warnings about this invasive insect. They're a problem for local farmers who are losing fruit and timber crops to the insects' voracious appetite. Homeowners are also seeing impacts that range from annoying to significant damage.
What Does Spotted Lanternfly Look Like?
This insect is difficult to control because it goes through several identities during its life cycle. Adult females lay eggs in the fall and cover the egg masses in a secretion that dries hard and camouflages to look like dirt or clay. The young nymphs that emerge from the eggs in spring are black with white spots at first onitsuka tiger corsair vin baratas , then they gain red markings on their bodies. Midsummer they become adults and shed their skin to form wings on their backs.
These wings are their true tell-tale, with bright red markings on a background of black, white and beige patterns. When the adults are at rest or feeding on tree sap onitsuka tiger mexico 66 baratas , their signature red marks are hidden underneath their folded wings making them more difficult to identify.