If you think your staff is lucky to have a job, you might be a jerk.
And, there are a million more and I'm sure you get the idea.
The labor recession is over. people are returning to work in IT and not all your problems will be solved by ourtsourcing jobs to India, Ireland, China, Eastern Europe or Canada. You are going to need talent. And if you treat your staff poorly Nike Vapormax Plus Mens For Sale , you will be losing people that you are going to need because they understand your business and your systems and someone else will pay them more and treat them better.
So here they are. Five simple points that will help you succeed. A five point framework for finding and keeping good people.
1. Identify your key people and treat them well.
This doesn't just mean paying well or above scale but inviting their input and paying for training. Remember, the web means that if you have a bad day, they can send their resume to 400 firms in 2 minutes and get paid more by someone who needs what they have in the way of skills.
2. Identify what attributes make someone a terrific employee. Being a terrific employee is only partly skill based. It involves a huge amount of character and the right personality fit for your firm. What are the common attributes of your best people and your up-and-comers? When you interview, how can you find out whether the candidate will fit your culture.
(Comment: "Fit your culture" does not mean that everyone in your group should be Italian, Pakistani, Jewish or a part of any ethnic or religious group. It's probably the last way you should compose a group).
3. A team of "yes-men and women" won't support one another stretch. Teams need to grow as leaders and if everyone is alike then how will creative thought be fostered?
4. Don't scapegoat anyone. Instead Nike Vapormax Plus Womemns For Sale , foster the best qualities of your staff. Mentor people. It may take more time but you'll get better results.
5. Show some kindness and heart to your people. They are not machines but people with families, bills and bad days, just like you. An occasional, "Is everything OK," and really listening to the answer can go a long way to building staff loyalty.
Jeff Altman has successfully assisted many corporations identify technology management leaders and staff since 1971. He is also co-founder of Your Next Job, a networking group focused on assisting technology professionals with their job search Nike Vapormax Plus For Sale Free Shipping , a certified leader of the ManKind Project, a not for profit organization that assists men with life issues, and a practicing psychotherapist. For additional job hunting or hiring tips, go to If you would like Jeff and his firm to assist you with hiring staff, or if you would like help with a strategic job change, send an email to him at jeffaltman@ (If you're looking for a new position Cheap Nike Vapormax Plus For Sale , include your resume). Presently, and throughout the 1990s a phenomena swept through the dog-lover's community. It was called "Clicker Training," and was implemented to teach dogs (along with horses and cats) that certain behaviors would be awarded, while others were not. Ms. Karen Pryor, a former dolphin trainer and author, along with a team of "Operant Trainers" started giving presentations at dog shows. They displayed how the small plastic device (about half the size of a bottle-opener) could be used to train dogs to do a number of "tricks Nike Vapormax Plus Shoes For Sale ," in just a few days; tricks that would've taken months or even years to learn before.
The idea of using an acoustic sound or "click" to stimulate desired behaviors is called "operant conditioning" and was first used with dolphins and whales as early as the 1930s. This idea evolved and was formulated for other types of animals. These animals, like their dolphin predecessors, were "conditioned" to perform desired behaviors or actions.
Clicker Training is entirely based on a system of positive reinforcement with no punishment for undesired behavior. The clicker is clicked to let the dog know that he did something (i.e. sat, didn't chew or jumped over a box, etc.) right. The system is designed to shape behavior by allowing the animal to do something for which he will then be rewarded with a click and a treat. It is NOT designed (as old training methods were) for the dog owner to physically manipulate the animal to sit, for example. Modern animal behaviorists find that animals learn more by themselves than when someone "shows" them how they should react in a situation.
If this idea is still hard to grasp Nike Vapormax Plus For Sale China , think about dolphins; or better yet, killer whales. There is no way that a trainer is going to physically manipulate a whale to jump out of the water. However, whales jump out of the water (at least partially) without conditioning. When these same whales jump out of the water, hear the "click" (or some associated sound), and then receive a treat, they quickly associate jumping out of the water as a positive behavior. Once that connection is made Nike Vapormax Plus For Sale , trainers gradually increase what it takes (a higher jump) for the whale to get a click and a treat. It's the same idea for a dog. The trainer waits for the dog to sit, quickly clicks, and gives the dog a treat. Puppies have been shown to learn as fast as within one click.