Latest Developments In Bladder Cancer Research January 18 , 2014 | Author: Eugenia Dickerson | Posted in Disease & Illness Bladder cancer research has helped in understanding various aspects of the condition. This has helped in developing more effective treatment modalities over the years. Areas of interest have included, precipitating factors, causative agents and epidemiological characteristics as regards disease burden. Research activities have been carried out in numerous countries all over the world in a bid to establish geographical variations or similarities in disease manifestations.
It has been shown through research that a number of risk factors for the condition exist. Smoking accounts for about 38% and 34% of cases in men and women respectively. This is according to a study that was published in the United Kingdom in the year 2010. Smokers are four times likely to suffer from the condition as compared to non-smokers according to the study. The risk is highest in long term smokers and the heavy smokers.
Occupational exposure as a risk factor has the subject of numerous studies. From as early as 1895, the causal effect relationship between bladder cancer aromatic amines found in dyes has been known. The first cases were reported in some European countries but the same has now been demonstrated all over the world. Occupational studies conducted in the 1950s demonstrated that benzidine and naphthylamine carry a particularly high risk.
There are several medicines , medical conditions and irradiation procedures that also serve as risk factors other than the aromatic amines. Phenacetin and cyclophosphamide, a chemotherapeutic agent, are some well known carcinogens. Irradiation of the pelvic region during treatment of cervical and testicular cancers in women and men respectively may also be a predisposing factor. The risk is as high as 6 times according to some studies.
Positron emission tomography, PET has emerged as one of the most effective investigative procedures. Typically , a radioactive dye is injected into the body through blood vessels. The dye is absorbed by almost all organs in the body. Tissues that have cancer tend to take more dye than the normal tissues. A special scanner is used to accurately locate these tissues.
The prevalence and incidence vary from one geographical location to another. They are also influenced by gender and ethnicity. In the UK, 5% of cancers are those of the bladder and in females this figure is at 2%. This makes it the seventh most common among males and eleventh most common among female patients. In 2010 close to 10,000 new cases were reported.
In terms of mortality, recent statistics in the UK show that about 3000 male patients lose their lives per year while the women affected are about half this number. The mortality rate increases with advancing age due to more aggressive disease. There has been a huge drop in mortality rates over the last few decades. It is reported that the number of deaths per year has dropped by up to 60% within the last 40 years.
Bladder cancer research continues to contribute greatly to better management strategies