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3 Quick and Easy Ways to Monopolize Google Rankings! ECommerce Articles | October 14 Wholesale Jerseys Free Shipping , 2008 Monopolizing the top spots of Google is not as hard as your competition wants you to believe. Anyone with the right knowledge can dominate Google rankings in a matter of weeks using just three simple methods...
I got into SEO back in 1998. Back in the day, Search Engine Optimization (SEO) was much simpler than it is today. Most tricks like blatant keyword spamming and hidden key phrases worked like a champ. Even better, little tricks like these were usually OK to use. Not anymore.
In fact, most old-school tricks don't work today and many can get your pages banned. This is great news for you. Over the next few minutes I'll show you how to make Google absolutely LOVE your web pages and help you jump to the top!
Here is what you need to know... Google places about 90% of its ranking priorities on content and links. Keywords are still important, but only in your pages' content (not the META Tags.)
Sounds simple Wholesale Jerseys China , right? Definitely! And it really is. First you find the best keywords and place them just right in your web page text. Next you get great inbound links. Then finally, you monitor your progress closely (and competition's progress.)
Step 1: Find the Best Keywords
Go to https:adwords.googleselectKeywordToolExternal and type in any keyword or phrase you think your target audience is looking for.
Tip: Use specific keyword phrases whenever possible. If you have a Web page dealing with floral delivery, think beyond just the word "flowers", with its 257,000 Wholesale Jerseys ,000 competing pages on Google and try "sending flowers", which has fewer than one percent the number of competing pages (at 1,940,000 pages) but plenty of people searching for it each month ("flowers" = 24,900 Cheap NFL Football Jerseys ,000 searches last month while "sending flowers" had 9,400,000.) Think about it for a minute... You can compete against less than less than 1% of the pages for about 40% of the possible targeted visitors. Now that's impressive! You have a huge advantage over 99.5% of your competition with just that single tip.
Now list the top three keywords and keyword phases in order from best to second best and so on. You'll need this for your content.
Step 2: Develop Killer Content
Content is your most important on page optimization resource. Don't ever forget that. It is what Google bases your ranking on, AFTER linking that is. Developing search engine friendly, "people optimized" content is vital to your success. Google can read a Web page just like a person does Cheap Football Jerseys , thanks to natural text algorithms. And they can tell if you are writing your pages for real people or just trying to get higher ranking. Relax. With this tip, you will do both!
First, grab a pen and pad and call a friend. Tell him all about your product or service. You're talking to a friend so be natural and let it flow. Forget grammar.
Now end the call and write it all down. Write it word for word, as close as you can remember it. If you can record the call, that's even better.
Next Cheap Nike NFL Jerseys , go through your newly developed page content and fit your top keyword somewhere near the beginning of the first sentence. Now try to find a natural place to insert your number two keyword; hopefully also in the first paragraph. If possible, try to get your third keyword somewhere in the second paragraph.
Now place each of your three keywords in the next three paragraphs; one keyword per paragraph. Just work it in naturally. If it doesn't fit, don't force it.
Avoid repeating any given keyword more than four times per page and mix it up a little. Use one of the keywords a little more or less than the others so it does not create a visible pattern.
When you get to your final paragraph at the bottom of the page, be sure to use your most important keyword in the latter half.